Welder Performance Qualification
Are multiple welder qualifications needed for an upcoming shutdown or major project works? If so then our dedicated welding bays and welding machine resources provide the required setup to process multiple welder qualifications quickly. Backed up by a machine shop, welding expertise and testing services supports an end to end solution. Services cover coupon preparation, setting up position jigs, welding equipment and consumables. On completion test pieces are sent to a NATA lab for compliance examination; documentation is then provided in compliance with the required standard or code.
We have invested in dedicated welding bays for training our apprentices and welders to prepare them for upcoming niche project needs.
Our facility has three dedicated welder test and training bays providing a dedicated environment for welder qualification needs, services include all test pieces, welding equipment, consumables, NDE, mechanical testing and qualification records preparation.

Case Study
Completed 2019
Packinox Bundle Replacement Project
The refurbishment of Caltex’s Packinox heat exchanger required a bundle replacement to solve efficiency problems.
To do this the 80mm thick head needed to be cut off then re-welded into position.
With asset down time being costly an accelerated welding method was required to be able to complete the refurbishment within a planned refinery shutdown window.
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