Heat Exchangers
Heat exchangers have been at the centre of LA Services’ core business since its inception. Initially working in the repair and maintenance of these unique pieces of industrial equipment. As the company developed its capabilities, its scope progressed to the fabrication of new equipment including mechanical design. Today LA Services offers a complete thermal and mechanical design service for custom heat exchanger supply, covering the manufacturing of straight, u-tube and hairpin exchanges through to the supply of replacement parts such as tube bundles, channels, covers and shells.
We still provide our original repair and maintenance services including re-tubing, gasket face repair, pad welding and overlaying. Please refer to our Repair & Maintenance page for more details.
Experience: We have a long association in providing bespoke equipment across all shell and tube configurations.
Product diversity: We have a facility capable of providing equipment from a few kilograms through to major plant acquisitions weighing upward of 120 tonnes
Project diversity: Our team’s experience spans everything from LNG train re-boilers right down to one off miniature tube bundles for niche beverage applications.

Case Study
Heat Exchanger
Texas Tower Replacement - Caltex
Caltex Queensland located near Brisbane Australia needed to replace a long serving Texas Tower (a large high temperature vertical heat exchanger) buried inside an existing plant. The project risks were; the need to re-design the unit to current standards while maintaining existing geometry, and changing out ‘new for old’ in the upcoming turnaround window. LA Services utilised FEA design methods to achieve the allowable stresses specified by the latest standards to maintain existing geometry.

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