
Norman Chouaifaity

General Manager

Norman began working at LA Services in 2006 and held several different roles within the company. These roles included IT/Administration, QA Administration, HR/Safety Officer and Production Manager. Committed to the future, in 2016 LA Services established the Innovation Manager position and Norman moved into this role and in parallel, completed his AS1796 welding certification certificate.

Norman has extensive experience in developing new business opportunities, coordinating internal operations and overseeing entire project/production lifecycles.

A Valuable Mentor

David Fox is one of our most valuable mentors and teachers of LA Services as he goes above and beyond in creating a new history for our family. He is the bridge between a conservative industry and modern innovation as he connects with countless students to impart his years of experience in the manufacturing field. His work has extended to not only secondary students but also participates in Western Sydney University Launch Pad’s pilot I4.0 Advanced Manufacturing Network sharing lessons in transforming manufacturing across the technical and social spectrum.

Creating a close bond through mentoring is a great way to understand the perceptions and needs of our students in order to create a deeply engaging work environment . And in turn, we change these perceptions accordingly.

“The key to success is learning from one other, spanning different generations and technologies. I’ve learnt just as much from the students and the school, as they have from LA Services.”